"Eternal Optimist" is the perfect pinky nude--but not too nude--polish. I feel so light and refreshed every time I look down and see my nails glowing in its pink warmth. It's especially refreshing after donning dark polishes like the new "Peace, Love, and OPI" (gorgeous metallic!) and the renown "Linkin Park After Dark" for the past month. Don't get me wrong. I love dark polish as much as a Kardashian but I grow tired of seeing it on my nails after about a week of wear, which light colors like "Eternal Optimist" and even Essie's "Marshmallow" are comeback staples in collection.
Wishing you all a happy, healthy week! And if you happen to catch that fall flu that's been going around, tackle with some sweet and spicy ginger-lemon tea. ;)
Daily Tidbits
- Yesterday was my first day back in my workout regimen in two weeks. I typically work out 5-6 days a week but this hasn't been the case these past two weeks. Between setting up October's Hispanic Heritage event at school and catching the flu, hitting the weights has not been on the agenda.
- Worked out my chest today. Feels so good to be back! Can't wait for that second day chest soreness! Call me cray-cray, but I actually miss being sore!
- I've been wearing my Wet N' Wild Cream Foundation today since 6:00 am and it is currently 8:49 pm. Considering how much running around I do on a daily basis, how many classes I teach, the fact that I ran errands on the way home from work, made dinner, and got in a good workout, my face doesn't look half bad! This stuff is surprisingly good. Must and will review soon.
- Wore heels to work today for the first time in about a week. I never wear heels to work when I'm sick.
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